Ship management
Delivering comprehensive vessel management and support services
Featured customers
Featured customers

Technical management
Fairwater handles all aspects of technical management for liquid and specialized vessels. Our skilled teams oversee voyage planning and cargo operations, financial planning, dry-docking, purchasing and materials logistics as well as warehousing. Under our care, we also ensure safety, regulatory, and statutory compliance, assist with claims management, and provide oversight of carbon credit programs. Our goal is to optimize vessel performance on behalf of our third-party owners and deliver results that meet and exceed industry standards.

Crewing and labor relations
Fairwater provides first-class crewing and labor relations services. We are a relationship driven organization and prioritize our people as our greatest asset. Not only do we offer seamless logistics and emergency management support, but also continuous access to the latest in safety and operational training, plus meaningful opportunities for long-term career advancement. We take great pride in our long-standing union partnerships and work collaboratively to champion the growth of the maritime industry.
Supplier of the Year Award (Corporate)
“Supporting MPCs West Coast refining and marketing system across Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, Fairwater Tanker Management has proven a trusted partner. Demonstrating a proactive approach, and a desire to align with MPC’s low-cost culture, Fairwater Tanker Management aided in a 50% cut in daily operating expenses (OPEX) in 2023. Since beginning operations with MPC in 2022, Fairwater Tanker Management’s ships have had zero unplanned downtime, lost injuries, cargo oil spills, environmental damage, or property damage, highlighting the outstanding quality of their partnership.”